The Soup Bowl

A Better Type of Buzz

Frank Sonderborg receives a phone call from an old work colleague who is currently in jail for robbing a string of post offices alongside a group of French thieves. Drink, drugs, and Euro-hijinks galore. Some buzz…

Retail Tales with Brian Brehmer: The Last Day

In the final chapter of Retail Tales with Brian Brehmer, the author looks back to the feeling of a last day at work.

Our Year of Living Ridiculously

As lockdown leaves her student community stranded, Annalise Murray and her flatmates get creative with the help of TikTok and an abundance of television.

Somewhat More Than Zero

Leah Mueller, the voice of everyday America, returns to Talking Soup with a tale of love, music, and work from 1980s Chicago.


How turning 40, bad tapioca, and my father’s death turned me into a foodie. Grief and loss lead the author into a food-based voyage of epic proportions.


A family tale of emigration, tradition, and future. Becca Miles joins Talking Soup with a story as carefully crafted as freshly made hamantaschen.

Vengeance is Mine

The writing process is a long and hard one. If at first you don’t succeed…find an inspirational arachnid. Graeme Hunter joins Talking Soup with a tale of rejection, acceptance, and joyful vengeance.

The Night Shift

A liminal zone, where daytime rules need not apply. George Aitch looks into the experience of working the night shift.

Some Blockchain with your Cheese Sir?

Frank Sonderborg muses on cryptocurrencies and Blockchain, and wonders what it all means for the world…and the wine industry.

Retail Tales with Brian Brehmer: Inclement Weather

Brian Brehmer goes into the absurd world of retail in conditions of inclement weather. Tornado? Hurricane? Snow? You’d better believe you are expected to clock in.

Tunnel Under Greenwich

Deptford native, George Aitch, takes us under the Thames through the largely unknown Greenwich Foot Tunnel. The soul of London lies in its hidden places.

Cocktail Night

From friendship to growing up, Esther Hope Arthurson gives us a snippet on life on cocktail night.

Retail Tales with Brian Brehmer: Inventory

Brian Brehmer describes the utter soul-destroying misery of an inventory in the world of retail.

I Hate Bedbugs

In her latest rant from across the pond, Stacey Orth describes how bedbugs have driven her to the brink of complete despair.

Lara Croft of the Kabubble

Larger-than-life characters and daily life as a journalist in the surreal world of Kabul, Afghanistan.

Retail Tales with Brian Brehmer: #15 Injuries in the Workplace

So what did I learn from all of this? First and foremost, do not get hurt at work, just rub some dirt on it, walk it off and pretend as if nothing happened, because that is exactly what everyone else is going to do in regards to your case and situation.

Retail Tales with Brian Brehmer: #12 The 5 Hour Meeting

Called in on his day off with the promise of over-time pay, Brian Brehmer finds himself at a pointless, five-hour meeting for the photo department. Retail Tales with Brian Brehmer.

Time Your Blackouts Better

After a blackout leads to a serious car accident. Gary Hartley opens up on depression, Middle England, and perception in this introspective piece.

The Summer I Dated a Drag Queen

I went to London with trashy dreams, expecting to finally have the sexually free gay experience. I dated a drag queen one summer but it didn’t work out.

Retail Tales with Brian Brehmer: #8 Muzak

A voyage into the world of unintentional music today. Maybe you don’t notice the music, or muzak, that plays away while you shop. Why would you? Well, the workers do, believe you me. Retail tales with Brian Brehmer is back. It’s time for ‘Retail Tales’.

Retail Tales with Brian Brehmer: #7 The Break Room

Eager to escape from the drudgery of the floor, Brian Brehmer heads for the supposed sanctuary of the break room, only to be greeted with anything but the tranquility he desired.

Retail Tales with Brian Brehmer: #5 Dumpster Divers

The day to day machinations of the retail industry as told by insider, Brian Brehmer. In the latest in his series, Brian recalls some of the brilliantly bogus refund claims brought about by the infamous ‘Dumpster Divers’.

Retail Tales with Brian Brehmer: #4 Employee of the Month

In an attempt to appease the downtrodden workers, management tries to push the ‘Employee of the Month’ scheme with limited success. Welcome to ‘Brian Brehmer’s Retail Tales’.

Talking Soup Talks #2: Leah Mueller

Our editors sit down with writer and performer, Leah Mueller, to discuss her plethora of life experiences. Inspired by the likes of Don Marquis, Charles Bukowski and many more commentators of the underside of the American dream, Leah brings a great wealth of tales, from the crazy to the tragic. From working as a ‘sales clown’ in 1980s Chicago, to a short lived stint as a topless dancer in New Orleans, Leah’s writing takes in all aspects of American daily life, from the dead-end jobs to the humanity in mundanity.