Short Reads

Sour Mash

When I was 10 years old I got drunk and was abused by my stepfather. I will never forget the taste of Jack Daniels, the taste of sour shame.

I’m sooo tired

I look beside me at the 24 foot table replete with 350 identically polished glasses arranged in neat diamond-like rows. Boring? This is events catering.


Domestic Bliss

Susan Copich’s photography puts a dark twist on domestic life. Leanne Jenkins, mother of four, gives her take on the controversial family photographs.

Clown Chronicles: Epilogue

The Clown Chronicles is a four part short story by American writer Leah Mueller. In the final part, an ex clown visits her former employer.

No Trespassing

No Trespassing is a short story by Kat Klima. An unsuspecting saleswoman gets an unwelcome response when she visits a trailer park.


Haitian Heroes

Haitian Heroes is a photography project by Dominik Prinz. Haitian Heroes tells stories of courage, bravery and hope among Port au Prince’s poorest children.


Can you keep a secret?

Can friends keep secrets? A short story by Paul Beckman.

Khalik Allah: Harlem Street Photographer

Khalik Allah is a NYC based photographer and filmmaker. His latest film ‘Field Niggas’ is a gritty portrayal of street life in East Harlem.

you have lovely eyes, have my flowers - talking soup

Mind the Gap

I’ve heard it said there’s no getting away from the fact that my wheelchair does make me more eye-catching, especially to those who’ve had a bit too much to drink.

clown-chronicles-part 3

Clown Chronicles: Part Three

The third part of the Clown Chronicles, a short story by Leah Mueller set in 1980s Chicago.


Anonymous Hotel Work

Today I am at a famous London hotel. All complete bollocks as I stare into the abyss of the staff changing room, with the smell of BO and shoe polish all too prevalent.

like joe - talking soup

Like, Joe

I was a simple sixth grader, hanging myself along poles that formed a fence dividing the school from the strip mall. The ropes didn’t seem that tight. Joe grabbed me from my self-made death sentence

Clown Chronicles | Talking Soup

Clown Chronicles: Part two

Second part of the short story ‘Clown Chronicles’ by Leah Mueller. A young lady recalls her first day as a clown in 80s America.

A girl with tutus and point shoes

Sometimes I wish I had a normal childhood. One where there is time to play with other kids. When I was born my mum exclaimed joyfully: ‘She is going to be a ballet dancer’.

clown chronicles: part one - talking soup

Clown Chronicles: Part One

It was an afternoon of dejection following a long period of abject poverty that led to my decision to become a clown.

Brighton Rock in a Sock

‘Brighton Rock in a Sock’ a modern comic by Tom Scotcher.

Drunk: Faecal Adventures on Public Transport

Laurence’s drunk adventures on London public transport turns messy as he and his underpants are left in a compromising predicament.

Ginger Syrians

Ginger Syrians, or ‘Gyrians’ as we know them are not just a curiosity in Aleppo, but a phenomenon. Michael Stark writes about drinking culture in Syria.

Using Public Transport in a Wheelchair

Alex Taylor discusses his experiences using london public transport as a wheelchair user

Take the Express Train

Take the express train. Gary’s eyes pinpointed the alarm clock, it was after 11am. His entire body felt swollen and heavy. What was the use?

Unemployment for dummies

Unemployment for dummies, the day adulthood becomes a reality. Short story by Aj Binash.

My first lesson by Doug Buresh

Does anyone else remember being born?

Does anyone else remember being born? Perhaps one’s birth is so traumatic that we wilfully erase it from memory. If only I had been so blessed.

Soup Kitchen: Poems from the Shop Floor

Soup Kitchen is a monthly showcase of different artistic genres. Enjoy this month’s feature on some of the finest modern poetry.

The bad neighbour Trevor

Unemployment and the consequences of action with the neighbour Trevor.